Grey Series on cardboard

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Except for the first piece, IMG_6687 which is based on a photo taken on May 1st 2010 in Kreuzberg, all photos were taken at a protest march on 10/10/2009 at Velodrom in Berlin-Friedrichshain.
The #1 in the series usually is painted on thick 5 cm cardboard, #2 on canvas. The material for the final #3 hasn’t been decided yet.

From left to right:
spaypaint on cardboard, 70 x 50 cm, 2010
(Sammlung Mootz)

spaypaint on cardboard, 70 x 46 cm, 2010

spaypaint on cardboard, 70 x 50 cm, 2010

spaypaint on cardboard, 70 x 50 cm, 2010
